Teatre Lliure

Founded cooperatively in 1976 by a collective of artists promoted by Fabià Puigserver, the Teatre Lliure in Barcelona is one of the most important centres of creation and stage exhibition in Spain. From February 1, 2024, and chosen by competition, Julio Manrique is its director. 

The Teatre Lliure is constituted as a private foundation, participated by the following public administrations: the Ajuntament de Barcelona, the Diputació de Barcelona, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Ministry of Culture.

The theatre has two venues: one in Montjuïc, comprising the large format hall Sala Fabià Puigserver (up to 720 spectators) and the small format hall Espai Lliure (up to 172 spectators), and another in Gràcia, with a medium format hall (up to 250 spectators).

Teatre Lliure is working with Anna Puigjaner and Alexandra Laudo, two artists with a hybrid profile between academics and arts, to conceptualize and produce three theatrical proposals to be performed in Barcelona.

Teatre Lliure

Plaça de Margarida Xirgu, 1
08004 Barcelona



Alexandra Laudo is an independent art curator. In her curatorial projects she has worked on issues related to narration, storytelling and the spaces of intersection between the visual arts and literature; the social construction of time and the experience of temporality; the history of gaze, and the relationship between technology and the ways of seeing and looking; the use of darkness, opacity, and absence in artistic practice; and, more recently, the 24/7 productivity paradigm in relation to the consume of caffeine and other stimulant, new technologies, and sleep. In recent years, she has explored the possibility of introducing orality, performativity and storytelling into her own curatorial practice, developing hybrid curatorial projects, such as performative lectures and curatorial projects that navigate between curating, art critique and literature. She has received various awards and scholarships for her curatorial and research work, such as the Terrassa Commissariat Award, the Barcelona Producció Curatorial Award, the Marco Magnani Giovanne Critica Award, the GAC Curatorial Award and the ACCA Curatorial Award. She has edited and published art books, exhibition catalogues, and has also written numerous texts for art publications, essay books, and the media. She has a degree in Humanities and a postgraduate degree in Cultural Management from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona), and has also completed an M.A. in Visual Arts and Museology at New York University (New York). During the 2015-2016 academic year, she was one of the eight participants at CuratorLab, the prestigious international curatorial research program at Konstfack (Stockholm).

Read more about Alexandra Laudo


Anna Puigjaner is a doctor of architecture, co-founder of MAIO, an architecture studio that works on spatial systems that allow variation and change over time for better social justice. Her personal research focuses on alternative domesticities capable of reformulating biased social structures. She is currently teaching at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation GSAPP at Columbia University. Previously, she was a professor at the Royal College of Arts in London, at the Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB / ETSAV - UPC and at the Massana School. Between 2011 and 2017 she was part of the editorial team of the magazine Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme www.quaderns.coac.net  MAIO's work has been published in journals such as Monocle, Domus, Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, A + U, Architectural Review and Detail, among others, and has been exhibited at the MOMA in New York, at the Royal Academy of London, the Art Institute of Chicago is an art and architecture store. Anna has been a finalist in the Rolex Mentor Protégé Initiative 2016, and awarded the Kitchenless City 2016 Wheelwright Prize for Harvard GSD Research.

Read more about Anna Puigjaner

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